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 1. Paul Gabriel Rowley  UUA General Assembly Happenings  SS2007-07-01 
 2. WINA's Charlottesville--Right Now with Coy Barefoot  Attorney General McDonnell reviews the General Assembly session  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 3. Bill Bozarth & Jim Kulstad  Week 1 2007 General Assembly   
 4. Bill Bozarth & Jim Kulstad  Week 11 2007 General Assembly   
 5. Bill Bozarth & Jim Kulstad  Week 10 2007 General Assembly   
 6. Bill Bozarth & Jim Kulstad  Weeks 2&3 2007 General Assembly   
 7. Bill Bozarth & Jim Kulstad  Week 9 2007 General Assembly   
 8. WINA's Charlottesville--Right Now with Coy Barefoot  AG McDonnell on the General Assembly session  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 9. Bill Bozarth & Jim Kulstad  Week 8, 2007 General Assembly   
 10. Georgia Legislative Watch  Oath of Office - 2009 Georgia General Assembly   
 11. Georgia Legislative Watch  Election of the Speaker - 2009 Georgia General Assembly   
 12. Georgia Legislative Watch  Presentation of the Speaker - 2009 Georgia General Assembly   
 13. WINA's Charlottesville--Right Now with Coy Barefoot  Kelly Porell evaluates the 2007 General Assembly Session  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 14. Georgia Legislative Watch  Rep. Smyre speaks against Rules - 2009 Georgia General Assembly   
 15. WINA's Charlottesville--Right Now with Coy Barefoot  Charlottesville--Right Now: General Assembly update with Bob Gibson of the Daily Progress  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 16. Shawn Coons and Bruce Reyes-Chow  Decently and in Order - General Assembly Interview with Bruce Reyes-Chow   
 17. Shawn Coons and Bruce Reyes-Chow  Decently and in Order - General Assembly Interview with Bruce Reyes-Chow   
 18. Adlai Stevenson  Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly on the Death of John F. Kennedy   
 19. Eleanor Roosvelt  Address to the United Nations General Assembly on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights   
 20. Georgia Legislative Watch  Majority Leader Keen responds to Porter - 2009 Georgia General Assembly   
 21. Georgia Legislative Watch  Minority Leader Porter's comments on the Speaker - 2009 Georgia General Assembly   
 22. Georgia Legislative Watch  Minority Leader Porter speaks on House Rules - 2009 Georgia General Assembly   
 23. WINA's Charlottesville--Right Now with Coy Barefoot  Jim Bacon of Bacon's Rebellion previews the 2007 General Assembly  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 24. CBC Radio's Nfld. and Labrador This Week  Newfoundland and Labrador This Week - Feb. 3, 2007. Fallout at the house of assembly from the latest auditor general's report, a look at environmental efforts to derail the lower Churchill hydro proje  CBC Radio's Nfld. and Labrador This Week 
 25. bobcerm  HAPPENINGS TEN YEARS TIME AGO  Bob's podcast 
 26. Prime Point Foundation  Mysterious happenings at Sethu bridge at Rameswaram  Pod Universal - Podcast on subjects of interest 
 27. General Knas  general knas general utan arme whoa.nu  Exklusiv Whoa-MP3 
 28. Radio Go Daddy  6/15/2005 - Our ET Show w/Prophet Yahweh, Zeta Nancy & the latest internet happenings!  Episode 12 
 29. Greater Good Radio  General Steven Hummer: Commanding General of Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Deputy Commander of Marine Forces Pacific  Greater Good Radio 
 30. Tommy Walker 3  Assembly   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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